DecaSnax is adding value to the DECA maize meal, transforming maize by-products into a wide range of flavoured fried and baked snacks.
DecaSnax is a factory that looks to add value to the DECA maize meal, by converting it into fried (naxs) and baked (puffs) snacks that are flavoured and sold on the market in 20g packets.
The investment is a joint venture with Snacks of Africa, who have brought the production and operational IP to the table, while the DECA team have brought the market and brand IP.
The factory has the capacity to produce and supply over 6,000 bails (each bail holds 50 packets) per day and employs 30 staff (most being women). The Deca Snax brand is becoming very popular as a snack at both schools and in the informal markets, throughout the cities of Beira and Chimoio.

DecaSnax Limitada
Talhão AF-28
Bairro Tembwe, E.N.6
Manica Province
Commercial Contact
+258 85 304 7497